February 18, 2011

Cardio oh cardio....

As you all may know, i'm currently studying medical at Sebelas Maret University, Solo and i'm in my 2nd year. Here, we study per-"blok" and now i'm studying blok called "Kardiovaskular" (or in english it's Cardiovascular hehe) this "blok" is really making me nervous ! because it's really hard and we don't have much time to study it ! (because we only given 1 moth per-blok). Furthermore, many of my seniors failed this "blok" and had to repeat this year ! they said Cardio is really really hard.... :(

haaaaaaa... i feel like crying inside :'''(

but oh well, i want to be a doctor, and i have to through this in order to become a doctor.... so i guess i just have to study more harder than before and pray a lot too... i really hope i passed this "blok" with an A... 

wish me luck ! >__<

this is my modul for cardiovascular... it looks scary right?